All of our rental properties are offered without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, disability, familial status, sexual orientation, homelessness, military service, and source of income.
Our required standards for qualifying an applicant are simple and fair. They include:
1) ONLY CLEAN & RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE WHO PAY RENT ON TIME with a valid form of identification/ photo ID should apply.
2) Each occupant over the age of 18 and co-signer must submit a separate rental application.
3) The application fee is $40.00 and is non-refundable. The application fee is paid online via a credit card or debit card. Please be aware processing fees may be applicable.
4) Information provided on your application will be used to evaluate if you have a favorable credit history.
5) A criminal background check will be run to verify no history of violent crimes, burglary, sex offender registration, felony arson, etc.
6) You will be asked to provide information about your monthly income and to furnish acceptable proof of your income. Your gross monthly income must equal at least 3 times the monthly rent amount. Proof of income may consist of things like a copy of your last 4 - 6 consecutive pay check stubs, W-2 forms, or a new job offer letter.
Monthly Rent X 3 = Minimum monthly rental income
7) Be prepared to provide 5 years of residential history to verify no evictions have been filed against you during that timeframe. Good references will be sought from your previous Landlords regarding your housekeeping, property maintenance, and payment history.
8) Limit the number occupants to 2 people per bedroom.
9) Each property requires a Security Deposit equivalent to 1.5 X monthly rent that must by paid in full before any rental agreement is made. Animal deposit(s) are in addition to the security deposit.
10) Compensating Factors can include additional requirements such as a co-signer, double deposit, or rent paid in advance for applicants who fall short of above criteria.
11) Once an Applicant is approved, the Landlord will attempt to contact the Applicant by the phone numbers listed on the application. Applicant has 24 hours from time of approval to fulfill rental agreement by producing all monies required and signing all rental agreement papers. If Applicant fails to perform within 24 hours of Landlord’s approval, Applicant may be disqualified and Landlord may rent the property to the next qualified Applicant.
12) Renter’s Insurance is for YOUR protection and will be a requirement of your Lease Agreement.